Probing magnetism in zigzag graphene nanoribbon embedded in h-BN in the ballistic transport regime
Zigzag edges of graphene have long been predicted to exhibit magnetic electronic state near the Fermi level, which can cause spin-related phenomena and offer unique potentials for graphene-based spintronics. Here, we report the signatures of magnetism in zigzag graphene nanoribbons (zGNRs) embedded in h-BN by performing magneto-transport measurements in the ballistic regime. The in-plane bonding with BN can stabilize the edges of zGNRs, and thus enable a direct probing of the intrinsic magnetism. Fabry-Pérot interference patterns were observed in a zGNR transistor at 4 Kelvin, which indicates a coherent transport through the channel. A large magnetoresistance of ~175 Ω, corresponding to a ratio of ~1.3 %, was observed at the same temperature. Such magneto-transport signal is highly anisotropic on the magnetic field direction, and its appearance extends well above room temperature. All these evidences corroborate the existence of robust magnetic ordering in the edge state of zGNR.